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Seek Him

His desire will become our desires. We will desire what he desires for us. We will learn to be content with a "NO" that's not for you. Ok Lord I understand you know what's best for me I know as long as I acknowledge you in all my ways you will direct my path to what is. "It's not time yet" we will remain patient while we wait(I'm talking to myself here) OUCH #HelpHelp I will wait. "I want you to do it this way" An easier way presented itself but I trust you Lord. The author and finisher of my faith. I don't have to understand why or why not. I will just believe that you know best. I will do what flesh does not want to do. I will pray, fast, study your word and deny myself. Because your desires are mine. I will stop when you say stop because your desires are mine. I will go where you say go because your desires are mine. My soul desires what you desire for me on every front. Even when my flesh says otherwise I will wait to hear from you. I will not go if you will not go with me. I will not stay if you will not stay with me.

My only desire is you.

Seek Him

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