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You Will Not Be Shaken

Isaiah 54:10

10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee

The mountains might shake and the hills be removed. Everything around you in life might be falling apart but God said "You Will Not Be Shaken" that's a promise. You will have peace in the middle of the storm. The kind of peace Jesus had in the bottom of the ship when the storm was raging and everyone else was in a panic. You will have peace.

When love ones walk away, when sickness is raging, when the reports are not in your favor. When the enemy comes up against you on every hand in your home on your job. You will have peace. You will not be shaken. God is faithful. Christ hung bled and died for your sins come, receive peace today in him. Be not weary in well doing. You will reap if you faint not.

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