Proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
We often have our own plans, most of us were raised and taught that is the way to prepare for anything, you must first have a plan. Proverbs 16:9 tells us our heart plans our way. Jeremiah 17:9 also tells us our heart is deceitful above all things, Proverbs 4:23 says we should guard our heart with all diligence because from out of it flows the issues of life. This scripture implies that whatever we allow to enter our hearts, if not examined and evaluated properly, will definitely be expressed in our lives and our actions.
(Do a heart check)
We should acknowledge the Lord in all our ways because he will direct our path. If we bring our plans to him he will tell us the best way to succeed in it or if it's even what is best for us at all. Most times the plan that God has for our life looks nothing like our plan. Then a choice has to be made our way or the Lord's way. I say trust God. After all he is the God of the miraculous. The creator of heaven, earth and all things in between. We see his glory in all of creation and yes he is a big God but he also works in the small things. He is concerned about every detail of our life.
Think about the small details in creation. The black dots on the back of a lady bug or the details in the wings of a butterfly that warm your heart. Those were his thoughts and the small details in his creation that make such a big impact in the lives of those who see the beauty in them. The Lord is also concerned about the small details in your life after all we are his creation too and if you allow him to lead you in the small details of your life they will make a great impact on those who see the beauty in you as well.
Praise God. I enjoyed reading this ..
It’s the small things for me and will let God lead me 🙏🏾