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Isaiah 53:5

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

He who "JESUS" he was inflicted with pain, injured for the trust we broke like the betrayal of a relationship. And we all know how that feels. Which was our relationship with God. Jesus was hurt, crushed and pounded for our lack of faith and absence of love. Our deceifulness and desire to take the crooked path over the straight. He was physically beaten and criticized, rebuked for our mistakes when he made none.... for OUR freedom.

By his stripes, wounds and bruises we are healed. Healed from what? Sin. We are healed from sin. Our iniquities separated us from God. Jesus closed the breach he is the everlasting link to the father. Today he yet stands in the gap because mankind is still missing the mark. How? I'm glad you asked. When God created us he set the mark. Let's make man in our image after our likeness.

Living with love for God and one another thru Jesus Christ is our primary goal. From here everything else will follow. John 13: 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. You can resist sin how? By choosing that which is good. Today choice Christ and every day after resist sin. How? By choosing that which is good.

Take up your cross daily and choose to love with the love of Christ. God first and your neighbor as yourself. Choose forgiveness, choose to do good. choose patience, choose long suffering, choose kindness, choose meekness, choose goodness, choose to put others first. Choose to be the sacrifice for another as Christ has done for us. He chose death so you could choose life. Choose love as Jesus chose when he hung bled and died for us. No more I, Me and Mine but Them, Those and Ours!!!

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