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A Season Not A Lifetime

James 1:2-4

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. We take what was meant to be a season and turn it into a lifetime spending the rest of our lives in that season.

Stop for a moment & reflect on your actions and how you are responding to your current circumstances? Is it with gladness? Are you counting it all joy? Or do you complain, pout and doubt? Are you patiently waiting or anxiously waiting? Do you find yourself in a season of unbelief. You could be who is holding you back.

The children of Israel spent a lifetime in what was meant to be a season. God said he was taking them into a land that would be theirs flowing with milk and honey. Through all the miracles he performed they always found themselves in a place of complaining and doubting when things went wrong, no patience same as some of us. It's his timing not ours.

Yet God is still God. If he said it he will bring it to pass. Jesus told the disciples we are going to the other time but when the storm began to rage they begin to doubt. Do you begin to doubt in the midst of the storms of life? I'm here to tell you keep the faith. Jesus promised to never leave us not forsake us. If he said it stand on his word. In spite of what it looks like or your circumstances, naysayers, or lack of.

Do you believe? Do you believe the written living word(scripture), do you believe the spoken word(prophecy), do you believe the word in the flesh(Jesus Christ). Believe until it happens. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is... You have circled this mountain long enough it is high time you believe...

"Lord help me with my unbelief. Because I know the only thing left standing will be the word of God. Help me to understand it is all working for my good. Allow me to see your hand through out my life and be reminded that you are the all mighty and all seeing God of heaven and in earth." Amen

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Johnetha Brown
Johnetha Brown
Sep 20, 2023

Amen to the Word of God 🙏🏾

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